Monday, December 19, 2016

Tourism in Mongolia

Traditional Mongolian staple is simple yet filling with hearty soups, cooked or broiled meat (beef, mutton), pasta and plenty of dairy products. Traditionally Mon­golians are accustomed to eating non-spicy mild foods largely due to the extreme conti­nental climate that lim­its the growth of spices.
During summer it is customary to eat more of dairy products (yogurt, dried curds, cheese, and cream), pas­tries, and drink tea and airag. Herders tend to eat less meat in order to cleanse their body after long winter months. For meat intake herders use the dried meat or borts that still contain the necessary nutrients. Mongolian tea is made of crushed tea leaves, salt, and milk and is a good thirst quencher especially in hot sum­mer months. Airag, a fermented mare’s milk, is thoroughly enjoyed during summer. It contains more than 12 essential vitamins and, depending on the region where it is produced, the alcoholic content can reach 6-12%.
When you travel to Mongolia try to experience the taste of Mon­golian cuisine such as khorhog (various kinds of meat cooked through heating stones), boodog (meat cooked in the own skin of the animal, usually mutton), buuz (steamed dumplings), huushuur (fried dumpings), lapsha (noodle soup), and tsuivan (stir-fried noo­dles), etc.
Nowadays, Mongolians diet has come very close to interna­tional ones with plenty of veg­etables and salads. A variety of international dishes and cuisines can be enjoyed in Mongolia but mostly in Ulaanbaatar and other major settlements. The interna­tional cuisine r spans from Thai, Japanese, Brazilian, Russian, French, Indian, and Italian to Ger­man just to name a few.

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